Discover our service

The technologies & energies we study :


We support you with consulting services for sustainable maritime solutions.
We start with your idea, draw up a customized specification and look for solutions to meet your needs.


Market research
Market watch
Our core business :

Our process

First meeting
Discover your company
Presentation of HY-Plug and its services

Collaboration proposal
Customer feedback
Agreement or cessation of exchanges
Drafting of a contract :
- Timing
- Resources
- Time required
- Final report
Reaching agreement

Getting to know you
Introducing your project
HY-Plug Check-up :
- scope of action
- greenwashing?
 - needs
 - feasibility
 - requests

Launch of the study
Intermediary point
Drafting of final report
Presentation of report and analysis
Study and report
We don't buy, sell or develop technologies. We analyze, study and advise.

Why us?

Do you have the beginnings of an idea or a wish but don't know where to look?
Do you already have an idea ? Do you know one or more people who have information, but not enough to go any further?
Do you already have contacts but would like support throughout your project?
Recognize yourself ?
Then HY-Plug can help !
We'd be delighted to talk with you.
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We enable you to benefit from our international network of over 1 300 experts and suppliers, as well as from the superior speed of information provided by our trusted relationships.

A tailor-made project

We don't sell you a technology or an energy, we help you find the most suitable one.
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HY-Plug is working alongside current industry players to offer a sustainable alternative solution that meets these criteria.
HY-Plug will help you draw up the specifications for your project, including technical features, constraints, obligations, wishes and so on.
At the end of the study, we provide you with a file containing all the data collected, compared and analyzed. A presentation of the chosen solution is also given.
We work alongside naval architects, yacht designers, shipyards and builders to provide them with the data they need to make the right decisions.

Our values
The three points of honor are :
Independence of suppliers: we study and advise on their technologies, but we are not their salespeople.
Impartiality: technologies can be selected and recommended to our customers if, and only if, they correspond in every respect to their project.
Trust and confidentiality: our files and the information contained and exchanged are strictly confidential. We establish a relationship of trust with both market players and our customers.
HY-plug's mission is to help connect the right players in the maritime energy transition by bringing end-users and suppliers closer together through its consulting services.

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Willingness, sympathy, determination, expertise and respect for the environment are HY-Plug's guiding principles.

Our fields of action